Hi there! 

I'm Renee. 

It may seem like there’s a lot going on here, but it all makes perfect sense to me. And when you look closely enough it’s just a fantastic bunch of being creative with photography, writing and painting with the interwoven thread of connection..

I wear a few different hats here and I adore it. I photograph people and their wonderfully unique, personal and very ordinary stories. I photograph flowers for The Life Bloom Project and sell the photographs as fine art prints. I paint fun watercolour pieces for the cards I write for women all over the world on behalf of their village for Lady Love Letters. I photograph the love in people’s lives and encourage them to hang it on their walls. I write short but impactful life essays for This Brave Heart and I sell them as small prints.

I’m a list maker, tea drinker, flowy dress wearer, friendship cherisher, car karaoke-er, podcast listener, margarita devoted, book collector, storm lover, journaller, rose coloured glasses wearing, gratitude practicing, daydreamer.

I have such enthusiasm for building a community that nurtures our villages of support and soul-filling joy. I have such enthusiasm for women, cheerfulness, creativity, flowers (everywhere!), celebration and a genuine outlook with no BS. This is what all of this work is about.

When I’m not doing all of that, my all encompassing role and highest priority is mum to my four little people. The beautiful chaos of a house full of young children is the source of both my inspiration and my exhaustion! Being available to them and meeting my own creative and career pursuits is the catalyst for this work that I’m doing here.

Thank you for stopping by to explore my work.


2018 - How it started.
(Thank you Tennille Fink for our beautiful photos x)

2021 - How it’s going